Thursday, February 27, 2020

Charlie Wilson's War - Lessons Learned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Charlie Wilson's War - Lessons Learned - Essay Example The war offers an appropriate emphasis on the secretive war waged by the CIA in Afghanistan without the notice of American public, to avoid public debates and protests that accompany publicized wars. US department of foreign affairs at the time denied knowledge of US arm purchases for distribution to Afghan rebels. Even though, the US officially denied its role in availing weapons to Afghani fighters, mainly the Mujahedeen, the war in Afghanistan acted as a catalyst that facilitated the end of soviet empire. Though the US did not claim credit in the war, the Mujahedeen as well as other Muslims never considered the US as being crucial to the war success. The secrecy of the war bore unforeseen consequences with regard to the relationship between the United States and Afghanistan (Chodakiewicz, 2008). Consequently, US face tense relations with Afghanistan; therefore, the war offers a great lesson that interventionist foreign policy can result in unforeseeable negative consequences. In a ddition, it is apparent that the US profoundly lacked continuity in its foreign policy; even after the expulsion of Soviets, it abandoned Afghanistan, as it had no plans and strategies for the country’s future apart from the its revenge to Soviet. Therefore, Taliban as well as the al Qaeda took advantage of the situation since the US concentrated on the imminent problems, and failed to anticipate and neutralize potential threats (Jalal, 2010). Thus, from the war is that it is important for the US or any other country to deploy resources in assisting in times of crisis especially in wars and when the danger apparently passes, it should ensure stability has been fostered in the war regions. Another crucial lesson in the war regards the role of women in politics like heiress Joanne, who are important allies in political undertakings since they have the time, vision, passion and means for organizing extra-governmental activities. This is because American women can arrange parties , invite key players and inconspicuously achieve results using their charm and perseverance that enables them to reach the mighty. In this case, they fund or sponsor non-governmental propagandas attacks and at times political-military movements; therefore, women usually are the main supporters of public mediation as well as private undercover activities. Consequently, influential American women influence their wealthy friends to support generously any kind of adventure this is common, and does not only apply in Afghanistan (Michael, 2003). The other insight from the war is the concern relating to the informal aspects of democratic system like backdoor deals being the norm in congress, where politicians accepts perks in corridors, clubs and lobbies. Moreover, the system is often bi-partisan considering that obscure things mysteriously appear to be part of agenda and get voted in. Nevertheless, the war portrays the US response to be firmly rooted in the US’s rampant anti-commun ism following the disaster in Vietnam. Americans fear of the communism expansion drove them to support Mujahedeen, as replicated in the famous oratory used by Charlie in bolstering backing for his cause. This

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Three Gorges Dam in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three Gorges Dam in China - Essay Example Even though, Chinese authorities describe the construction of this dam as a landmark, many of the environmentalists questioned such claims. It is a fact that this dam is the blend of social, engineering and economic successes; however the controversies surrounding the construction of this dam are still creating headaches to the Chinese authorities. â€Å"The massive project sets records for number of people displaced (more than 1.2 million), number of cities and towns flooded (13 cities, 140 towns, 1,350 villages), and length of reservoir (more than 600 kilometers)†1. Moreover many of the wild life lost its habitat as a result of the construction of this dam. Ecological problems, high risk of landslides, etc are some other issues raised by the critics of this dam. This paper briefly analyses the history, statistics and the environmental impact this dam has had on the area surrounding its location. â€Å"The Three Gorges Dam spans the Yangtze River at Sandouping, Yichang, Hube i province, China. Construction began in 1993†2. It is the biggest hydroelectric power station in the world at present with a capacity to produce 18200 MW electric powers. It was partly commissioned in 2008 and is expected to be fully operational by 2012. It is expected that the when it is fully operational, its capacity may reach 22500 MW of electric power. This dam was constructed for multipurpose. Even though the major purpose of constructing this dam was to find an answer to the huge energy crisis facing by China, prevention of flood, increasing shipping capacity etc were some other major objectives behind the construction of this dam. The major criticism labelled against hydroelectric power projects all over the world is about the environmental problems such projects can generate. Since Three Gorges Dam is the biggest in its category, the environmental problems produced by it cannot be neglected. As in the cases of other hydroelectric power projects in the world, the envi ronmental impacts of this dam could be more visible as time goes on. The submergence of hundreds of factories, mines and waste dumps, and the presence of massive industrial centres upstream are creating a festering bog of effluent, silt, industrial pollutants and rubbish in the reservoir. Erosion of the reservoir and downstream riverbanks is causing landslides, and threatening one of the world’s biggest fisheries in the East China Sea. The weight of the reservoir's water has many scientists concerned over reservoir-induced seismicity3 Yangtze River is the third biggest river in the world and its coastal areas are highly fertile and heavily populated. â€Å"The world's largest dam will flood over 62,000 acres of farmland, 13 major cities, 140 large, and hundreds of small villages along the river's banks, necessitating the evacuation and relocation of over one million people†4. The wild life around the coastal areas of Yangtze River lost its habitat along with millions o f people. The beautiful landscape which was earlier filled with a variety of agricultural crops, converted into an ocean which may become an ocean of waste as time goes on, as a result of the construction of this dam. â€Å"Water quality in the main reservoir remained stable, but pollution was worsening in tributaries because of high levels of nitrates and phosphates that had already endangered drinking water in some areas†5. In other words, not only the water inside the dam, drinking water sources in the neighbourhood of this dam also could be polluted as result of the construction of this dam. â€Å"According to a CNN article, one billion tons of sewage will flow into the reservoir each year. Pollution in the river itself will increase, as the dam will slow water flow, stopping the river’